Our Services

Health Systems Strengthening

1. Strategic Planning for Laboratories in East, Central and Southern African Health Community States.
2. Supporting Laboratories towards accreditation

Strategic Information

1. Tools development and piloting.
2. Data collection and Management.
3. Data analysis and interpretation.
4. Mathematical modeling
5. Publishing scientific works

Access to medicines & supply chain management

1. Forecasting and quantification
2. Gap analysis
3. Market dynamics assessments
4. Management of medicine donation programs

Leadership and Governance

SDS Africa maintains a skills bank of consultants from Africa and elsewhere. We can provide interim managers for your critical research, finance, procurement, and supply chain and logistics management functions.

Project Management

1. Project design
2. Proposal writing
3. Project Monitoring and Evaluation
4. Grants Management


1. Human resource development
2. Education and performance
3. Leadership and governance
4. Digital Health
5. Supportive supervision

Policy analysis and development

Policy and advocacy

Program assessment and re-design

1. Baseline
2. Midterm review
3. End term evaluations


1. Community engagement
2. Social economic development

Humanitarian Relief

1. Disaster scoping
2. Disaster management
3. Partnerships for refugee integration